About Us

ICOMOS-Nigeria > About Us


ICOMOS-Nigeria is the Nigerian national committee of ICOMOS International. It is registered in Nigeria as a non-governmental organisation. Its primary aim is to enhance the conservation, protection, rehabilitation and restoration of monuments and sites in Nigeria, while collaborating with national stakeholders, including professional bodies, and advancing the sustainable conservation of cultural heritage places in Nigeria in line with good international practice.
ICOMOS-Nigeria is multidisciplinary, with a wide range of experts in the academia and heritage practice, including young emerging professionals who are critical for the future of heritage conservation in Nigeria.

At international level, ICOMOS is the only global professional organization dedicated to the conservation of the world’s cultural heritage places. In this capacity, it is one of the three advisory bodies to the World Heritage Committee under the 1972 UNESCO World Heritage Convention.

The report of the Constitutive Assembly held in Warsaw from the 21st to 22nd June 1965, indicates that Nigeria was represented at the Venice conference of 1964 – which resulted in the Venice Charter. The Nigerian representative, Mr Ekpo Eyo, an archaeologist, was a member of the ‘organising committee’. Mr Eyo later served as the Director-general of the National Museums of Nigeria from 1967-1986.

ICOMOS-Nigeria started as ICOM-ICOMOS in the early 80s. In the early 2000s, Dr. Joseph Eboreime established the Nigerian National Committee of ICOMOS, along with some staff of the National Commission for Museums and Monuments (NCMM). By 2013, membership had been expanded to professionals outside the NCMM, and an Executive Committee (EC) was formally inaugurated.
The governance structure consists of a Board of Trustees registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) of Nigeria and an elected Executive Committee responsible for running ICOMOS-Nigeria on a daily basis, for a tenure of three years, and the general assembly of financial members.